Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Grass is Always Greener... OR 2/365

I don't mind mowing the lawn. I wouldn't say I love it, or look forward to it, but I don't mind it, either. Especially on a sunny day with my iPod going. There is something satisfying in the freshly trimmed rows after you mow the lawn. And of course, the smell of fresh cut grass!

The Grass is Always Greener OR 2/365 by gina.blank


Margaret said...

Gosh, compared to my new lawn baby, that's a mighty big beast you're pushing there!

Sara said...

Lol, if I had ever tried to mow the lawn in those shorts my dad would have freaked out because of all the junk lawnmowers can spit out as deadly projectiles... (probably not as big of a deal in your yard... in ours there were rocks, sticks, and I still have a scar on my shin from a piece of bone that it threw at me once when my mom was mowing!)