Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Key Things to Consider OR 44/365

When your car key starts to look like the one on the left, stop using it. Switch to right.*

Key Things to Consider OR 44/365 by gina.blank

Or you may find yourself in a car that won't start at the end of the work day, which means you will then be at the mercy of an amazing colleague who will drive you clear across the city to get your spare key from home and then drive you back to the office to test said key. But because of all the fiddling you've done in the first place, it still won't work, so while your brain starts freaking out that the ignition is shot, you will call your [also] amazing personal mechanic, who will drop all his home renos to come put "magic powder" (read: graphite lubricant) in the key slot, unjam the steering wheel, and finally start your car.

You will be relieved that your ignition is absolutely fine, but somewhat frustrated at the whole ordeal, for which you missed a sunny walk with friends (the sunny parking lot is just not the same).

When you finally get home for you, you will bake chocolate goods for the coworker who drove you across the city and back. And say a prayer of blessing for connections to skilled individuals. And hope to avoid such issues ever again.

* I couldn't believe it, either.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Wow! I'd best start paying attention to the condition of my 9-year-old car keys...A hug for having to find out the hard way, and another for the advice!